Email marketing is a huge part of promoting your brand so if you haven’t jumped on board already, you should consider adding this task to your marketing strategy. Monthly newsletters are a great way to keep your customer base informed, but weekly email marketing is the ideal choice if you want to keep them interested. Here’s the truth; people receive so many emails a day so it’s understandable that they barely notice your company’s monthly newsletter, and this is why most don’t even open it. However, a weekly newsletter reminds them that your enterprise is still around. This constant repetition makes your name stand out from the thousands of emails because it becomes familiar to your viewer.
Now the quality of your subject line and the appearance of your newsletter is what’s going to keep them coming back, and that is really up to you. Your newsletter should be aesthetically pleasing, correctly worded, and free of spelling errors to ensure you look like an authority in your niche. A newsletter should not be thrown together on a whim and should be thoroughly planned out beforehand. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want your newsletter to highlight and what you want to get out of it before you sit down to create it.
If you are coordinating an event that you would like to promote via email marketing, weekly newsletters are a good way to remind people that it is coming up without seeming too pushy. For example, you can have a separate newsletter created for people that haven’t responded to your invite that is just a friendly reminder that your event is right around the corner. After all, they wouldn’t have subscribed to you if they weren’t interested in keeping up to date with your business. It is always good to send out a reminder email a day or two before the event and maybe even the day of if it’s an evening event. People get busy and tend to forget things unless reminded, so responsive cues are the only way to ensure maximum attendance.
Following up after your initial email is imperative if you want to ensure that you marketing efforts are paying off. To some, it may seem pushy but to others, a courtesy reminder never goes unappreciated. Email marketing is a proven method of attracting new customers as well as keeping existing customers around so if you haven’t started using this fantastic promotional tool, consider following up with Time Savers to begin your new marketing strategy today!